• • • Featured Web Design Projects •

Rebranding of the Brazilian B2B brand, with an advanced website, seeking to enhance its position as a multidisciplinary-focused creative agency offering out-of-the-box eco-marketing solutions for businesses in Brazil, and abroad, adding an eCommerce section for the additional public and self-promoting purposes.

Core: Product development, Creative studio
Aim: B2B sales & branding

The project aimed for a rebranding of the website seeking a modernized and dynamic approach, “more graphic yet minimal” as requested, to a homepage that would be just a simple landing page (one-page-website) with everything needed, although the blog and service pages were later added.

Core: Product strategy, Product placement, Consulting
Aim: B2B sales, Health Care & Pharmaceutical IT support

Redesigning the user interface and experience, plus rebranding, the WOA (Way of Arts) project from a classic Arts & Crafts service page to a dynamic and advanced Conservation & Restoration Studio website, with aimed focused on the craftsmanship processes and techniques while showcasing featured artistic projects.

Redesigning + rebranding the user interface and experience, from an online magazine to a travel content platform, while redefining the user experience. A project designed and developed in collaboration with the UK based marketing team at Lost Tribe Agency.

• • • About Web Design •


Elementor is a website builder for WordPress. And WordPress is the global leading CMS (Content Management System) that offers an open-source framework which simplifies the design of efficient and responsive websites, SEO-friendly (Search Engine Optimized), that are both easy to navigate and use for those who visit your website and those who manage it. It’s the most cost-effective solution to host your website wherever you wish, and manage it with ease every moment you want.

That said, with over 40% of the internet powered by WordPress (as of March 2021 stats from a current universe of nearly 1 billion websites) its overgrowing preference by web designers and developers can be easily understood from a google search away.

And while new page builders keep appearing every year, none offer the freedom of seamless design, full personalization, effortless SEO optimization, and time efficient code free building like Elementor.


Offering no limits to what can be created, from the most advanced performance enhancements tools to seamless design integrations that ensure any brands demands, Elementor makes design and maintenance an easy going task, as it’s a no brainer when looking through all it has to offer.

The benefits are overwhelming… Truly live design with responsive live editing, faster web performance, advanced integrations and motion effects, and countless professional features that will enhance your web project whatever its purpose. Rather be a simple landing page, a fully personalized responsive site, a complex platform with search engine and dynamic features, or a fully integrated and autonomous online shop, and so on. It’s cristal clear how it’s the world’s leading website and page builder to the date.

With Elementor you can finally ensure your website is both optimized and responsive, down to detail, as well as fully manageable to keep it top of its game, always.

• • • Webdesigning with Elementor •

Over 12 Pages

••• Already Includes •••

Standard pages & templates: Blog/Archive template, Post type templates, Store & Product templates, 404 page, Search page, Legal pages (Cookies & Policies)

• 100% Responsive
• SLL Ceritifcate

Up to 12 Pages

••• Already Includes •••

Standard pages & templates: Blog/Archive template, Post type templates, Store & Product templates, 404 page, Search page, Legal pages (Cookies & Policies)

• 100% Responsive
• SLL Ceritifcate

Up to 6 Pages

••• Already Includes •••

Standard pages & templates: Blog/Archive template, Post type templates, Store & Product templates, 404 page, Search page, Legal pages (Cookies & Policies)

• 100% Responsive
• SLL Ceritifcate

Landing Page

••• Already Includes •••

If a Blog: Blog/Archive & Post type templates
If a Store: Store & Product templates
Standard: 404 page, Search page, Legal pages (Cookies & Policies)

• 100% Responsive
• SLL Ceritifcate

Get in touch to let us in on all the details through the email or contact form below, or through whatsapp, and we’ll design the perfect website for you.

Monthly Maintenance & Web Management

These options can be activated once the website is designed, on a monthly fee basis, as a guarantee to keep your site updated and performing at its best, always.
The “Minimal” option is what’s activated by default, covering your Elementor, theme choice and pro plugin fees used to design your website and keep it safe and protected.
Other options are also available as described below, and which are typically decided based on the maintenance suggested for the purpose of your website.

Monthly Maintenance & Brand Management

Add branding to the service provided as an investment in the consistency of your business and brand identity. The growth and stability of any business and its longivity is directly related to the health of its communication strategies and the balance it reflects throughout all channels, platforms and formats in play.
Branding and Marketing Consulting & Support are services that guarantee both the ongoing development of quality content as well as a consistent evolving branding presence.




SSL certificates & renewals

WordPress & elementor updates + management

themes & plugins updates + management


managed hosting & backups


security monitoring & site health management


content updating on demand


SEO (Search Engine Optimization)



performance & optimization updates



design improvements & new



Redesigning + rebranding of the Brazilian business & brand website with eCommerce, seeking to enhance its position as a multidisciplinary-focused creative agency offering out-of-the-box ecological marketing solutions.

“Booolhas” is an Eco Business/Brand developing creative products through sustainable plastic bubble wrapping. The business dives in the global market as a Creative Agency for B2B and Corporate that seek solutions for transformation and projection towards products that merge sustainability with creativity.

Design & Development of:

• 6 main pages
• 2 secondary page
• 1 eCommerce Store fully personalized
• Popup interactive menu template
• 30+ posts
• 30+ products
• Post Template styles
• Category Template styles
• 404 Page Template
• Archive Template for 3 personalized Blog style pages
• 7 Landing Page Template styles
• 100% Responsive website
• Backup settups
• SEO support
• SSL Certificate integration

Ongoing Management of:

• Page and post updating per request
• New page and post design per request
• Responsive adaptation for newly added content and design
• Continuous design improvements as per need
• Managed hosting
• Regular updating and upgrading of:
  Wordpress, Elementor, themes and plugins
• Weekly security monitoring and backups
• Weekly Site Health checkups and management
• Troubleshooting per need
• Periodic SSL Certificate renewals
• Email creations per request

The project aimed for a rebranding of the website seeking a modernized and dynamic approach, “more graphic yet minimal” as requested, to a homepage that would be just a simple landing page (one-page-website) with everything needed, although the blog and service pages were later added.

Core: Product strategy, Product placement, Consulting
Aim: B2B sales, Health Care & Pharmaceutical IT support

Pulsati is a Brazilian based innovative technological company with tech & consulting solutions for health care and pharmaceutical companies around the world. Their aim is to provide assistance to each businesses needs in the sense of guaranteeing full and efficient autonomy through digital and technological tools that both enhance each brands productivity and results along with continuous sustainable growth.

Design & Development of:

• 4 main pages
• 2 secondary page
• Popup contact forms
• 2 Post Template styles
• 5 Category Template styles
• 404 Page Template
• Archive Template for Blog page
• 2 Landing Page Template styles
• 100% Responsive website
• Backup setups
• SEO setup & support
• SSL Certificate integration

Ongoing Management of:

• Page and post updating per request
• New page and post design per request
• Responsive adaptation for newly added content and design
• Continuous design improvements as per need
• Managed hosting
• Regular updating and upgrading of:
  Wordpress, Elementor, themes and plugins
• Weekly security monitoring and backups
• Weekly Site Health checkups and management
• Troubleshooting per need
• Periodic SSL Certificate renewals
• Email creations per request

Redesigning the user interface and experience, plus rebranding, the WOA (Way of Arts) project from a classic Arts & Crafts service page to a dynamic and advanced Conservation & Restoration Studio website, with aimed focused on the craftsmanship processes and techniques while showcasing featured artistic projects.

The main requests for the project were to make the website as visually graphic as possible through an organized “subtle” blog-like approach, without overwhelming the user, in order to weekly add new content that showcases the relevant details of restoration services for an educational view on each process and project, by seeking a presentation that merges and/or restructures content to a more simplified and appealing/understandable language for the user.

Design & Development of:

• 8 main pages
• 11 secondary page
• Popup interactive menu template
• 200+ posts
• 5 Post Template styles
• 44 Category Template styles
• 404 Page Template
• Archive Template for 3 personalized archive style pages
• 11 Landing Page Template styles
• 100% Responsive website
• Backup settups
• SEO support
• SSL Certificate integration

Ongoing Management of:

• Page updating per request
• New page design per request
• Responsive adaptation for newly added content and design
• Continuous design improvements as per need
• Managed hosting
• Regular updating and upgrading of:
  Wordpress, Elementor, themes and plugins
• Weekly security monitoring and backups
• Weekly Site Health checkups and management
• Troubleshooting per need
• Periodic SSL Certificate renewals
• Email creations per request

Redesigning + rebranding the user interface, from an online magazine to a travel content platform, while redefining the user experience “to create a complete, informative and visually striking platform that helps users encounter meaningful travel experiences”, as Orlee Gillis perfectly noted in Elementor’s January 2021 Worldwide Showcase.

As the sole web designer, this project was designed and developed in collaboration with the marketing team at Lost Tribe Agency.

Design & Development of:

• 13 main pages
• 3 secondary page
• Popup interactive menu template
• 100+ posts
• 7 Post Template styles
• 404 Page Template
• Search Page Template
• Archive Template for 4 personalized Blog style pages
• 100% Responsive website
• Backup settups
• SEO support
• SSL Certificate integration

Ongoing Management, between 2020 and 2021, of:

• Page and post updating per request
• New page and post design per request
• Responsive adaptation for newly added content and design
• Continuous design improvements as per need
• Managed hosting
• Regular updating and upgrading of:
  Wordpress, Elementor, themes and plugins
• Weekly security monitoring and backups
• Weekly Site Health checkups and management
• Troubleshooting per need
• Periodic SSL Certificate renewals
• Email creations per request